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On cross-functional partnership

I had the honor of working closely with Kayla during her time at Strava. She is a great teammate with various strengths that brought a lot to our team. Kayla was instrumental in helping us develop our processes when the team was spun up initially. Her passion for involving engineering early led her to create regular design reviews and ad hoc design reviews with engineers to facilitate better product solutions. She brings a level of leadership and passion to all her work and interactions that are rare. Kayla prioritizes the user and the team throughout all of her work streams, and this makes for very well-planned out and thorough design solutions. If you are looking for a product designer who prioritizes and participates in all parts of the product development lifecycle, Kayla is an amazing addition.

Elisa Valdez de Ramírez

Engineering Management @ Strava, 2022

On product strategy and collaboration

I had the privilege of working with Kayla very directly during our time at Strava. She functioned not only as a designer for our team but a strategic partner in the broader leadership of our area. I consider Kayla an "all-altitude designer" -- I am consistently amazed by how Kayla can zoom in and out based on what the context demands from her. Her ability to think big picture and drive toward a long term vision makes her an invaluable partner when thinking about planning and north star strategy for a product space. At the same time she's able to drill all the way in to make minute ways of working improvements for the team and to discuss edge case tradeoffs with the engineers.

She is, above all, an excellent communicator and never leaves anyone feeling unclear about what next steps are or why we made the decisions we are. She is a dynamic leader and often feels like the other half of my brain as she could be for any PM or cross functional partner.

Lindsay Lee

Product Management @ Strava, 2022

On being a teammate

Kayla's a fantastic product designer and person. She's particularly skilled at balancing multiple complex inputs and ending up with simple, effective solutions, all the while bringing along stakeholders and peers in a clear and (more often than not, fun) way. She's also highly proactive, empathetic and encouraging of teammates, which makes her a great individual as well as an addition to any design team or company.

Arlo Jamrog

Staff Product Designer @ Strava, 2022

On navigating ambiguity

Kayla is an exceptional UX designer, communicator, presenter and she has a strong reputation for delivering high-quality artifacts. BShe is among the most collaborative, thorough and thoughtful designers I know. I can confidently rely on her to provide to me technical guidance on UXs, critical thought and honest feedback whenever I need to bounce ideas off of an SME in this space. I highly recommend Kayla as a key asset to any team in a wide range of capacities.

Brian Wiggins

Product Management @ Azlo, 2020